Monday, September 7, 2009

Bridges of Socorro County

Rio Puerco Bridge
Bernardo, New Mexico

... at sunset.

The Rio Puerco Bridge at Bernardo, NM, is located about 50 miles south of Albuquerque or about 30 miles north of Socorro just off of I-25. Go west at the Bernardo exit about 1 mile.

Can't miss it. Really.


For more information on the Rio Puerco Bridge and the community of Bernardo, New Mexico go >>>>> HERE.

As I'm shooting this series of photos I'm thinking, all I need is a DeLorean like the one in the "Back to the Future" movies to come roaring across the bridge from one dimension into another. Instead, I get a friendly vato puttering along in his old beat up red Toyota pickup, trying to get home before the storm hits. I took the picture but was a little bummed out at first until I looked at this particular photo later and realized how well the light flames of the sunset blended with the silhouette of his truck.


I just figured it had to be some of that old New Mexico magic mojo at play. In this case covered in a red secret sauce paint job.

It works for me.

(to be continued)


  1. cool! cloudy days are the best for photography! well, not too too cloudy i suppose..

  2. I didn't think at first that this day would turn out too good photo-wise. Fortunately, enough light poked through sunset. I got lucky.

    Thanks for stopping by viince. I love your art blog and have added it to my link list. Great stuff.

  3. Wow !!!

    However, unfortunately, we lost some of that in translation.

    Love the connecting website ann. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
